New Episode Now Live!



Hopefully everyone has had a chance to check out our newest episode, all about Star Wars! a special preview to the three people that visit our site, our episode premiering on 05/24/2021 will be about the 80s! Hope you check it out!


Tim here! Sorry about the late update, but we've got a new episode up! Hope you've......caught....them....all...up to this point? (see what I did there?) Of course, our new episode is all about Pokemon!


Tim again! For this weeks episode, Ian and I are correcting a grave mistake we've made. We've talked in depth on Sony and Microsoft, but we're forgetting someone! We're talking Nintendo this time around! Tune in, for a good dose of nostalgia!


Tim here! Thanks to everyone thats been listening, we're up to 14 published episodes now!


Tim again!

Sorry for the late update to the site, but episode 13 is up! We're talking MMOs this time around, something that Ian and I have years of experience with! Hope you enjoy!


Hey guys! Tim here!

Its been a while, but we're finally updating the site! Ian taught me how to do the things! if anything is broken, blame him. We're up to episode 11 now, with episode 12 premiering tomorrow!


Konnichiwa Everyone! Episode 7 is now live. This week Tim and I have a special guest, Drew from CosmicCrit and TheMoreYouNerd. Drew joins us as we adventure through the the worlds of darkness and delve deep into dungeons filled with dragons and death. That's right, this week we are discussing our favorite table top RPGs, or TTRPGs, and Drew lends us his expertise as a GM, player, and podcast master. We discuss the current games we enjoy and Tim and I wax nostalgia as we delve into the last 20 years of games I have systematically destroyed for Tim. I don't hate all bards, just the musical ones.

If you want to hear more from Drew and his merry band of players, check them out over at CosmicCrit and TheMoreYouNerd.


Hi everybody! First I apologize for my lack of an update on the website last week. Real life got in the way and I just wasn't able to get around to it in a meaningful amount of time.

This weeks episode is now live! In this installment, Tim and I nerd out about some of our favorite anime as well as some of the tropes that we see in said anime and in the overall genre. As western viewers, there are things that may not make a lot of sense to us due to cultural and geological differences. Take a listen!

As a follow up, Tim still owes us his troll song. Please harass him maliciously until he does it. We'll likely upload this as a secondary episode or stand alone item. Maybe we'll even make it available as a ringtone. Hmmm...

Stay tuned to NSN and come back next week as we have a special guest on the program with us. More details to come out on next week's update.


Hello Folks! Ian here again. I hope you all enjoy the newer version of the website. Tim and I have been (slowly) working to expand it and get her in a nice and pretty state. Hard to do with Tim. I mean, have you seen him?

Moving on. This week will be a special 2 episode release. We have our standard episode 3 as well as a special extra-long season review of The Mandalorian with a special guest, my brother, Keenan. Listen in as we was nostalgia and nerd out hardcore on this year's epic season.

I also wanted to share that, this week during our recording session, Tim made mention of an old game we played and his penchant for taking pop culture songs of the time and putting a fantasy, troll, twist to them. Tim committed on this last week's recording to sing us a troll-song next time and I also committed to reminding him of it via sticky note on my computer. Well folks, here is the proof. Please make sure he doesn't forget. I know I won't let him.


Hi everyone! This is Ian with NSN. We wanted to say thank you and announce that we are now live and up on several platforms. Thank you for your patience as we got off the ground. We needed some time to get our hosting in place as well as get a few episodes recorded and under our belt. We plan to release weekly on Mondays. Please check out the links below.

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